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Every Baby Is A Born Genius

Monday, February 22, 2010

Guitar Pro 5 with RSE

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AutoCAD Raster Design 2009 32 and 64 bit $149.95
AutoCAD Revit Structure Suite 2009 32 bit $189.95
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Sibelius 5 Professional $79.95
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SQL Server 2008 Workgroup Edition $299.95
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Visio Standard 2007 $59.95
Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition $99.95
VMware Workstation 6.5 $59.95
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Adobe Creative Suite 4 Web Premium $239.95
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Softw*are T.he Big *One- 7-Piec'e Set *(Blu.e, Red -or Bl'ac*k) Ba+sics .of Bi,omedical_ Ultra-soun'd for .En*gineers 'Sam.sonite .Exec ,& 'Ameri+can To'uriste_r L'uggage C,olle.ction+s Flu.ent Re,ad+er by ,Ren,aissan,ce Lear_nin*g Serv_er Soft'w_are Pres-to Coo,l T_ouch. Gridd'le or- Hamilt.on -Beach S-low 'Cooker- Harb+or Ho-me '*t S-heet S_ets .Top Re,aders' *Club i.n+ternet p'ort*al ve.rsion_ Digi*tal Pho+to -Frame -Keychai,n * Mic*rosoft+ Vi'sta Bu.sines-s X*Map 3.0 ,Ripp+le Ef-fects' Sav,e 40'-70% of.f Enti're+ Stock D*r_ess & Ca-sual S*hoes- and' Boot.s Op'en S_ource for- .Dummi,es SUN -Micros'yste'ms, A*ustr'alian. Edi+tion Magn*avo,x U-niversal, Rem'ote_ Instru-cti.onal Da.ta Ma-nagem+ent _Syst.em by- ETS +Mirapoi_nt M*essage_ Se-rver M500. 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St-eak Kn'ife _Brothe-r ,All-in-*One Las-er P_rinte,r Eur'o-Pro +Steam' M*op Tho,mas &* Frien*ds Tr*ai*n Sets +(Tho,mas .& Per'cy, Gr,eat R*ace) -Entire+ St,ock of C_hara'cter* Watc*hes _Scan2CA+D OT20*04 D_ell- Opti-plex Se'rver ,Comput,er_ Trans'forme'rs Anima,ted+ 2-P'ack K'oda-k Ea,syShare- CD1013_ 10MP' *Digital *Came*ra w/. 3x+ Zoom D_INE He.althy '6 sta*nd'alone ve.rsion+ 'IntelliM.etric+ Cocoa.-L+atte, Mach,ine M,artha- Stewa*rt Ca'st-Ir_on Ca*sserole* Dell * 829 D.ual –+ Lapto+p 'Comp'uter Mic*rosoft, .Encarta 'Refer.ence_ Libr.ary 20'03 L+eg Mag+ic' by Fitne.s_s Quest S,u'per Soft ,R_obe (A*ssorted- Color's) '

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