hot infos

Every Baby Is A Born Genius

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Dear Rekan2,

Mohon maaf kalau sudah pernah mendapat informasi serupa

Kenalkan saya Rina, mahasiswi salah satu universitas
swasta di Bandung.
Rina pengen berbagi informasi nih buat kita semua,
mudah2an bermanfaat.
Barangkali ada dari rekan2 yg sedang butuh dana/income
dalam jumlah besar..

Rekan2 bisa baca cara mendapatkannya disini (silakan klik
atau copy-paste link berikut ke browser anda):

Iseng2 rina udah coba, dan hasilnya udah lumayan banget
utk ukuran rina (lihat rincian income rina dibawah dan
SCAN BUKU TABUNGAN rina terlampir). Jangan lupa lihat juga
scan/print buku tabungan member lain di link website
diatas (di menu "Kesaksian").

Program ini dijalankan secara online (maya), tapi uang yg
dihasilkan betul2 riil. Ada transaksi, ada produk, logis,
masuk akal, dan tidak ada satu pihak pun yg dirugikan
dalam program ini.. Program ini dijalankan secara LEGAL &
HALAL (penjelasan detail harap baca di websitenya, di menu
"Legal & Halal")

Websitenya ( )
menjelaskan secara lengkap semua hal tentang program ini
sampai sejelas2nya. Mungkin dipahami dulu aja sistem/cara
kerja program ini secara keseluruhan di websitenya.
Sistemnya tidak rumit, mudah sekali dipahami. Rina yakin,
semua uneg2 / pertanyaan2 dari rekan2 pasti akan terjawab
jika membaca semua materi yg ada pada setiap menu di
website tsb. Pastikan rekan2 tidak mengambil
kesimpulan/berkomentar apa2 dulu sebelum betul2 membaca
semua materi yg ada pada setiap menu di website, karena
program5milyar ini unik, berbeda dg bisnis manapun yg
pernah ada.

Rina dulu juga gabung atas ajakan teman yg udah duluan
mendaftar. Tadinya sih rina gak mau berpikir muluk2, asal
bisa balik modal aja udah cukup, lagian kita kan dapat
produk yg nilainya bahkan lebih besar dari yg kita
bayarkan. So, nothing to loose.
Tapi ternyata apa yg rina peroleh sungguh di luar
perkiraan rina. Setelah 8 bulan gabung udah lumayan banget

Rincian income Rina setelah 8 bulan gabung adalah sbb:
(catatan: semua komisi dibawah ditransfer langsung oleh
member baru ke rekening kita)

Rina dapat "member langsung" sebanyak 17 orang (disebut
member level-1)
=> komisi yg ditransfer ke rekening Rina = 17 x Rp
50.000 = Rp 850.000

Masing2 member level-1 diatas mendapatkan pula member
rata-rata sebanyak 8 orang (disebut member level-2, jumlah
= 8 x 17 = 136 orang)
=> komisi yg ditransfer ke rekening Rina = 136 x Rp
10.000 = Rp 1.360.000

Masing2 member level-2 rata2 mendapatkan member 6 orang
(disebut member level-3, jumlah = 6 x 136 = 816 orang)
=> komisi yg ditransfer ke rekening Rina = 816 x Rp
10.000 = Rp 8.160.000

Masing2 member level-3 rata2 mendapatkan member 4 orang
(disebut member level-4, jumlah = 4 x 816 = 3264 orang)
=> komisi yg ditransfer ke rekening Rina = 3264 x Rp
10.000 = Rp 32.640.000

Masing2 member level-4 rata2 mendapatkan member 3 orang
(disebut member level-5, jumlah = 3 x 3264 = 9792 orang)
=> komisi yg ditransfer ke rekening Rina = 9792 x Rp
50.000 = Rp 489.600.000

Jadi, total komisi yg ditransfer ke rekening Rina (setelah
8 bulan gabung):
= 850.000 + 1.360.000 + 8.160.000 + 32.640.000 +
= Rp 532.610.000,-

Bagaimana dana tsb bertubi2 masuk ke rekening kita? Lihat
SCAN BUKU TABUNGAN Rina terlampir.

Lumayan banget utk ukuran rina. Uang segitu mungkin udah
cukup utk beli rumah and mobil.
Rina yakin kita semua bisa kok mendapatkan income seperti
yg Rina dapatkan di atas. Kuncinya sih asal kita rajin aja
nyebarin link website replika kita ke teman2 kita, rekan
kerja, sodara, ke siapa saja, baik lewat email, milis2,
situs2 iklan, dll, kemudian TUNJUKKAN BUKTI SCAN BUKU
TABUNGAN para member yg telah sukses di program ini, atau
scan buku tabungan anda jika anda sudah mendapatkan income
yg lumayan di program ini, biasanya tidak terlalu sulit
meyakinkan teman2 kita utk bergabung (scan buku tabungan
para member bisa diambil/didownload di menu "Kesaksian" di
website diatas, atau bisa juga gunakan scan buku tabungan
rina terlampir. Jika anda sudah mendapatkan income lumayan
di program ini, anda juga bisa tunjukkan scan buku
tabungan anda ke teman2).

Website replika adalah website atas nama kita sendiri yg
kita dapatkan secara otomatis setelah keanggotaan kita
diaktifkan. Website replika rina adalah:
Setiap transaksi yg terjadi lewat website replika kita,
otomatis masuk rekening kita.

Tidak perlu kuatir pengembangan Program Program 5MILYAR
ini akan jenuh, karena pertumbuhan pengguna internet di
Indonesia yg mencapai 6 juta orang lebih per tahun jauh
lebih besar dibanding pertumbuhan peserta program ini.
Jadi program ini abadi, tidak akan ada istilah "member
terakhir" dalam program ini, karena akan selalu ada 6 juta
orang lebih pengguna baru internet tiap tahunnya yg
potensial utk jadi member.

RINA PUNYA TRIK2 / TIPS2 JITU agar bisa merekrut banyak
member berdasarkan pengalaman rina sendiri, gak banyak
orang yg tahu. Rina bisa share jika rekan2 bergabung lewat
account rina:

Segera gabung ya..

Sistemnya rina rasa sangat sederhana dan mudah dipahami,
informasi lengkap disini (silakan klik atau copy-paste
link berikut ke browser anda):
(website replika Rina, sukses123 adalah username Rina)

Mohon disebarkan juga informasi ini ke teman2 kita yg lain
yg sedang membutuhkan dana dlm jumlah yg besar.

Rina Profile:
Join jadi member Friendster dulu, bisa lihat album foto


Jika anda tidak punya akses internet di kantor/kampus,
silakan copy/tulis link berikut:
kemudian dibuka di rumah/warnet ya..

Untuk gambaran awal, silakan lihat overview program ini


Bisa Menguliahkan Anak dan Biaya Berobat Ibu yg Sakit

Dear webmaster program 5 milyar,

Saya ingin berterima kasih sekali kepada anda karena
dengan adanya program ini saya betul2 terbantu dalam
pemenuhan berbagai kebutuhan dana keluarga saya. Biaya ibu
berobat ke rumah sakit, biaya kuliah anak2, dan insya
Allah untuk biaya beli rumah yg lebih layak bulan depan

Awalnya saya kenal program ini, saya mendapat email dari
seorang teman (beda kantor). Ada program bisnis bagus nih,
katanya. Sistemnya sederhana, gampang dipahami, dan kalo
sabar bisa mendapatkan penghasilan lebih dari 5 milyar,
tambahnya lagi. Mendengar kata-kata 5 milyar, saya
berpikir skeptis, mana mungkin, batin saya, akhirnya saya
delete saja email tsb. Sekitar 4 bulan setelah itu, saya
mendapatkan email yg sama dari rekan yg berbeda. Dengan
semangat menggebu2 di emailnya dia bercerita kalo dalam
waktu sebulan dia bergabung, saldo di rekening BNI-nya
bertambah lebih dari Rp 100 juta. Saya berpikir, gak
mungkin dua orang sahabat baik saya berbohong tentang hal
yg sama terhadap saya. Lagi pula gak ada ruginya
bergabung, toh cuma 180 ribu saja, itu pun sudah dapat
produk berupa program bisnis. Akhirnya, iseng2 saya
gabung, tanpa harapan yg berlebihan. Kemudian saya
informasikan program ini lewat email, sms, mulut ke mulut,
dll ke sekitar 80 orang. Sebagian dari mereka ada yg saya
kenal dan ada juga yg tidak, setelah itu saya lupakan.

Sekitar 3 bulan setelah itu, waktu saya menyetor uang ke
bank (jumlahnya sekitar 500 ribu waktu itu), waktu buku
tabungan saya di-print saya menunggu lama sekali,
teller-nya bilang buku tabungan saya sudah tidak muat lagi
dan harus diganti dengan yg baru. Saya kaget, ada apa?
Rasanya dalam 3 bulan terakhir saya tidak melakukan
transaksi apa2. Begitu saya cek, di kolom kredit isinya 50
ribu dan 10 ribu banyak sekali dan di kolom saldo tercetak
angka 160 juta lebih dan jika ditambah dengan buku ke 2
totalnya ada 250 juta sekian. Sontak saya kaget, ini duit
begitu banyak dari mana? Setelah berpikir keras dan
melihat angka 50 ribu dan 10 ribu baru saya teringat
program 5 milyar yg saya pernah gabung dulu karena waktu
gabung saya juga mentransfer 50 ribu dan 10 ribu ke
beberapa orang.

Aduh maaak, terima kasih Tuhan, terima kasih webmaster.
Saya bisa kuliahkan anak dan membantu biaya berobat ibu
saya yg sakit dengan dana ini. Setelah itu saya betul2
percaya bahwa program bisnis ini bener2 bekerja. Sejak itu
saya mulai aktif mempromosikan program ini ke siapa saja,
lewat email, milis, sms, dll. Sekarang hasilnya sudah
lebih dari 500 juta masuk ke rekening bank saya. Sekali
lagi terima kasih webmaster program 5 milyar.
Untuk melengkapi hidup Anda, kini telah hadirProtector Postpaid untuk Pelanggan Speedy hanya dengan Rp 8000/bulan,
layanan keamanan online yang dapat digunakan langsung saat menjelajahi internet, melindungi Anda dari Virus kapan saja
dan di mana saja.

Info lebih lanjut hubung 147 atau


"Sekarang Gratis Nelpon SLJJ Flexi diperluas ke Yogja"


Raih Paket Umroh, Notebook, XBOX, Ipod Touch dan banyak hadiah lain di
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Silahkan Ambil eBook Tanpa Modal Anda!


easy man mempunyai ebook "Tanpa Modal" yang bagus untuk anda. Kabar baiknya, ebook ini tidak perlu anda beli. Anda bisa ambil langsung tanpa modal se-senpun.

Ini beberapa hal yang dibahas di ebook ini:

- Langkah-langkah Bagaimana caranya membuat email
- Langkah-langkah Mendapatkan Domain Gratis Untuk Nama Website Anda
- Langkah-langkah Mendapatkan Hosting Gratis Untuk Tempat Menyimpan File Anda
- Langkah-langkah Mendapatkan Website Gratis Untuk Anda
- Langkah-langkah Install Blog Wordpress di Website Anda
- Langkah-langkah Membuat Adsense Tampil di Website Anda
- Apakah Itu RSS
- Langkah-langkah Setup RSS
- Langkah-langkah Setting RSS
Dan masih banyak lagi...

easy man

ps: Ini bukan spam, easy man mengundang anda dari contact email nya.

Jika anda tidak ingin mendapatkan email seperti ini lagi, LANGSUNG klik link dibawah ini:

Silahkan Ambil eBook Tanpa Modal Anda!


easy man mempunyai ebook "Tanpa Modal" yang bagus untuk anda. Kabar baiknya, ebook ini tidak perlu anda beli. Anda bisa ambil langsung tanpa modal se-senpun.

Ini beberapa hal yang dibahas di ebook ini:

- Langkah-langkah Bagaimana caranya membuat email
- Langkah-langkah Mendapatkan Domain Gratis Untuk Nama Website Anda
- Langkah-langkah Mendapatkan Hosting Gratis Untuk Tempat Menyimpan File Anda
- Langkah-langkah Mendapatkan Website Gratis Untuk Anda
- Langkah-langkah Install Blog Wordpress di Website Anda
- Langkah-langkah Membuat Adsense Tampil di Website Anda
- Apakah Itu RSS
- Langkah-langkah Setup RSS
- Langkah-langkah Setting RSS
Dan masih banyak lagi...

easy man

ps: Ini bukan spam, easy man mengundang anda dari contact email nya.

Jika anda tidak ingin mendapatkan email seperti ini lagi, LANGSUNG klik link dibawah ini:

Friday, September 25, 2009

Pregnant Heidi Klum turns heads at Emmy red carpet

Pregnant Heidi Klum turns heads at Emmy red carpet

The Associated Press
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The firefighters working the red carpet at Sunday's 61st annual Emmy Awards were worried that at least one reality TV star might be going home with more than just a trophy.

"Hey, did you see Heidi Klum? She's like 8 months pregnant. So you be ready, you might have to deliver," fire Inspector Jim Fisher said to his colleague Craig Hancock as they and other authorities hustled Emmy VIPs into the Nokia Theatre.

A bystander asked Fisher if he knew what Klum, the host of "Project Runway," was wearing.

"Don"t ask a guy wearing polyester that kind of question," replied Fisher, dressed in a white uniform shirt and fire-resistant gray pants.

"What about me? This is wool," piped up Sgt. Pete Foster, who was wearing a wool shirt.


The Emmy trophy table has moved up in the world.

The offstage stop containing dozens of real Emmys, not the fake ones recipients are handed onstage, used to be located in a nondescript section of a parking garage. This year it's in an air-conditioned, red-carpeted section of the Nokia Theatre roof.

Emmy winners exit the theater through a back door, then head for the table, where they trade in their generic trophy for one of the real ones. A nameplate with their name and the category in which they were honored will arrive in the mail later.

Dapatkan alamat Email baru Anda!
Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan sebelum diambil orang lain!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Amy Dalley’s in a battle of wills with her baby

Experiencing motherhood for a second time 10 years after the birth of her first child, Amy Dalley admits that life with baby is tougher than she recalled.

“Having a brand new baby is harder than I remembered,” the singer tells Country Weekly. “I mean, 10 years go past and you don’t remember anything.”

Making it particularly difficult is the fact that her 8-month-old son Jackson isn’t the best sleeper: “He woke up every two hours last night,” Amy reveals.

So Amy and her husband Jack Sizemore are trying to let him “cry it out,” though she says so far it’s not going all that well.

“It’s pitiful, ‘cause he stands up and just swings his head around in the baby bed [laughs]. We probably should have a helmet for him! But we have this little TV monitor so we can make sure he’s all right. The other night he screamed for about 2 ½ hours.”

Amy admits she’s tempted to just go into the nursery and pick him up. “Who knows what’s gonna be better?” she asks. “It really is an act of wills… Am I stronger or is he stronger? So, I’m gonna beat him. I won’t be defeated! [laughs].”

Amy is also mom to 10-year-old daughter Madeleine.

How did you solve baby sleep problems? Did you try “crying it out?”

Diary of a new dad

First, a warning...

"Nobody will ever tell you this," a new father friend whispered to me, shortly before the birth of my first child. "But just remember – the first few weeks are ABSOLUTE HELL. Prepare yourself for total madness and it won’t seem so bad."

It was the best advice any expectant father could have. The truth is that those first few weeks and months are hell. Your home will look like a bomb site. You'll be surrounded by piles of dirty nappies, filthy clothes and mountains of washing up. You'll be woken up throughout the night by ear-splitting baby cries. You feel as if you'll never get a decent night’s sleep again. Suddenly, the boring job that you’ve wanted to quit for years seems like bliss.

It's enough to make you worry that the rest of your life will be like this. You wonder if you’ll ever have sex with your partner again, or read a book that isn’t made of cloth, let alone actually leave the house. It does get better, honestly. Within a few months you'll have some semblance of your life back. But first there are some things you need to know about…

Sleep deprivation

A newborn baby will wreak agonies of sleep deprivation unlike anything you've experienced before. Struggling to cope, bleary-eyed, with an around-the-clock baby schedule is a subtle form of torture.

However, babies can't help it – they have small stomachs, and the simple fact is that they get hungry every few hours. This means that your sleep will be regularly disrupted by ear-splitting screams. The volume of these is quite incredible, around 97 decibels, which is roughly as loud as a pneumatic drill. And that is LOUD. This is mildly annoying during the day but absolutely devastating at night. The father of a newborn might go to sleep at 11pm, just after he’s put his baby down after a feed. He’ll be woken up at 2am, go back to sleep at 2.30am only to be awoken again at 5am. He might then try and snatch 90 minutes' sleep before starting his daily routine. If he’s got to leave for work at, say, 7.30am, he's going to feel exhausted before the day's begun.

It’s different from getting up early to do a paper-round when you were a teenager, or dealing with jetlag, or coping with the odd hangover. The profound levels of disorientation can leave you feeling physically nauseous, irritable and muddle-headed. Any dreams you have ever had – sex, money, sporting glory – are quickly eclipsed by endless fantasies about sleep. You think about it all day long. You would happily sacrifice your life's ambition just to snuggle into fresh bed linen and get a decent night’s kip.

Worse still, nobody seems to understand. Friends, if they don’t have children, will be dismissive ("yeah, yeah - you try getting up for an early shift every day and then moan to me about lack of sleep"). Friends with older children will have blanked this terrible period from their memory. Work colleagues will think you’re just a lazy slacker.

For this reason alone, it’s worth booking as much time as possible off work for the early days and weeks. Take the maximum paternal leave you can. If your boss will only give you a week, take another week of holiday, or if you can afford it a week of unpaid leave too. If you have time off work, it’s worth snatching as much rest as you can during the day when your child sleeps. If your baby sleeps all day and is awake all night you can share sleeping shifts (she gets four hours' sleep while you take care of baby, then you have a lie-down while she takes over). Some fathers of the insomniac persuasion might actually grow quite fond of cradling a newborn on the sofa at 4am while watching Argentine stock-car racing on an obscure cable TV channel. But it would take almost superhuman levels of tolerance if this sleep deprivation didn’t soon make you moody and irritable.

When you do go back to work, it’s not really possible to nod off near a screaming child. Invariably this means sleeping in a different room - on the sofa, in the spare bedroom, or on the floor of the "nursery" that you’ve lovingly prepared for your newborn infant. Don’t stay up in the evening unnecessarily. If you put baby down at, say, 7pm, try and get to sleep a couple of hours then. It’s either that or sleepwalking to work each morning.

What can I do?

It’s often asked why men have nipples. They can’t breastfeed so, unless baby is being bottle-fed, fathers often feel that there is nothing useful they can do.

This, I’m afraid, is hogwash. There are, unbelievably, men who continue to live life as if they’re in a 1970s sitcom, slipping out of the house and disappearing to the pub when their child starts crying. The truth is that there are plenty of things all fathers can do that are of huge help to a shattered partner and a helpless child.

In terms of basic things to do with the baby, these might include:

• changing nappies (see below)

• burping the baby (it’s easy, and it can be the start of an important bonding session between you)

• rocking baby to sleep (important because, unlike your breastfeeding partner, you won’t smell of milk and so won’t have a fully-fed baby demanding more)

• reading stories (baby won’t understand a thing, but it’s important to introduce the concept early)

• keeping baby occupied through play (you’re the FUN parent, remember)

• talking to baby (they can't talk back but it gets her familiar with grammar and vocabulary).

Even if the whole baby thing is getting you down, the following easy tasks might provide light relief:

• doing the washing up

• cooking food for your partner and child

• loading up the washing machine and hanging the clean clothes out

• tidying the house now and then

• doing the shopping

• waiting on your partner, hand and foot.


You can’t give birth and you can’t breastfeed. There, you’ve lost the two key trump cards in any argument with your wife. You can, however, change nappies. This is truly a man’s realm.

As Robin Williams put it in one memorable routine: "You may have been a lumberjack, you may have been a marine, you may have seen blood and guts. But you have never seen caca like this. It’s incredible stuff: part-toxic waste, part-Velcro™.’

For the first few weeks, nappy-changing becomes an epic ritual, something that requires almost as much peripheral equipment as brain surgery. First of all you’ll need a changing mat - a big one, with lots of padding. You’ll need a clean nappy, along with a few spares just in case baby pees on it. You’ll also need copious amounts of cotton wool, along with a bowl of tepid water and another bowl to dispose of the dirty cotton wool. You’ll need a muslin cloth to pat the baby’s bottom dry. You might need some antiseptic cream to treat nappy rash, and maybe some zinc barrier cream to prevent the nappy rash in the first place. You’ll need a nappy sack to dispose of the nappy if it’s particularly smelly, which it invariably is. Then you’ll need some kitchen roll to mop up the mess. And you’ll probably need a rattle to keep baby amused, because the whole process will have taken the best part of a day to achieve. The whole kit will fit neatly into a medium-sized truck.

Of course, within months, you’ll be able to do exactly the same job in a matter of seconds with one nappy and a single wet wipe. This is because nappy-changing will have brought out the competitive computer-game nerd in you. Ultra-competitive alpha male dads are left challenging each other for nappy-changing duels ("two wet wipes and a changing mat for THAT? What kind of lightweight are you?").

Nappy-changing can become fun, but it's also an investment for the future. Research has shown that the level of secure attachment a child feels for her father is directly linked to the number of nappies he changes in a given week. If dirty nappies are the capital investment and the undying love of a stroppy teenager the dividend, then it figures that the more nappies you change, the more they love you. It’s worth it.


The last time you may have seen your wife’s nether regions was when she was in the final throes of delivery, howling in agony. An hour or so later you may have seen some health professional busy in the same area with a needle, thread and pair of tweezers.

There are many men who find these twin experiences so horrific that they cannot look at their wives sexually again, and some who believe that men should not attend birth as a result. Thankfully, most of us are rather more mature and rather less Victorian than this. The problem is not with libido, but feasibility.

Many prospective fathers will be luridly fascinated as to whether intercourse is possible during pregnancy, but oddly incurious as to the effect of childbirth on sex. This is just as well, as the answer isn’t always good news. Your partner will have other things to worry about, and sex with you will be way down the list.

Sex will not – at least in the first year – be as bountiful as it was before childbirth. Both of you will be so exhausted and sleep-deprived that sex is low on your list of priorities. There’s also the guaranteed passion-killer of those 97db screams from your newborn. And then there’s the all-important physiological details. It's hardly surprising that you are recommended to wait six weeks before you first try to rekindle your sex life. In the first days and weeks post-childbirth your partner probably won't be in the best of shape. Stitches will be in place, tears and abrasions (ouch) will be healing, and some kind of stretching will have taken place. Rest assured, however, the old fear that many men have of postnatal sex are thankfully unfounded. The vagina is a pretty elastic sheath and, remarkably, dimensions will be restored to pre-birth levels. (Read more about Sex after childbirth.)

Sex is a crucial component of your relationship after childbirth, and it's important to resume it as soon as it's feasible. You need to stop seeing your partner as a glorified nanny - and she needs to stop seeing you as a glorified waiter-cum-hunter-gatherer. Seduction - those old romantic techniques that you probably haven’t put into practice since the early days of your relationship - suddenly becomes necessary again. Any planned sexual congress will probably involve weeks of planning, babysitters, bribery, presents, treats, string quartets and pets removed from the house.

Try to put at least a few hours one night a week to spend quality time together – no television, a nice takeaway, a glass of wine and a DVD – is a good start. Actually having a decent conversation with each other every day, without lapsing into "baby talk", is also crucial. And, if all else fails, cuddling makes a good starting point. After all, you’ll be so busy fantasising about sleep to care about sex too much.

Passing compliments

Your partner has just been through one of the most traumatic times of her life. She has put on weight. She’s not getting much sleep. She feels haggard. She hasn't got much time to care about her appearance. Even if she’s not suffering from postnatal depression, she’ll be going through some pretty low points. Let’s face it, you're not going to get much sex action for a while, so it’s important to have as much physical and emotional contact with your partner as possible. Now, more than any time, is the point to heap praise and reassurance upon her. Cuddle her. Tell her she looks great, even if she looks like a grizzled hobo and hasn't washed in a week.

Everything takes longer

After childbirth, your life seems in constant chaos. You're always on the go, racing around the house, changing nappies, sterilising bottles, waiting on your partner, cooking, cleaning, washing and - just occasionally - getting a chance to bond with baby. If feels as if someone is secretly speeding up the clocks.

You’ll wake up with grand plans. "We're going to take baby for an early morning swim," you declare. "Then we'll take brunch in that charming cafe around the corner from the swimming baths, then we'll walk through the park, visit a friend for tea, drive to the supermarket, and have supper at my mum’s house. Then we'lll drive back, put baby to bed and have a glass of wine before turning in."

The reality is rather more prosaic. The morning and afternoon will whiz by before you've even left the house. Finally, at 3pm, you manage to put your socks on, an achievement which almost has you leaping around the house with joy. The secret is not to over-plan your day, keep it simple or you'll end up feeling frustrated and stressed.

Growing up

Sociologists and cultural commentators have speculated about "middle youth" and "extended adolescence". What this basically means is that people are having children a lot older. Where our grandparents would have been rearing children while scarcely out of their teens, our generation are increasingly waiting until our mid-thirties before becoming parents. Where our forefathers had no chance to enjoy adulthood before the pressures of parenthood arrived, a lot of us end up with around a decade where, frankly, we have no responsibility, no one to account to, and nobody particularly reliant upon us.

Parenthood, to be blunt, is where this ends. Your life acquires focus, discipline and a brain-numbing degree of responsibility. There are, around the world, thousands of fathers who decide that parenthood simply isn’t for them. They opt out, they do a runner. The fathers who stay the course may feel like an unsung hero of modern life, perpetually disappointed that no one has given them a medal.

Just as gay men develop "gaydar", fathers soon acquire the ability to spot a new dad within 20 yards. He’ll be the one suffering from permanent exhaustion mingled with a secretly delighted air of self-satisfaction. You’ll be able to tell from the bags under his eyes, the residue of zinc cream under the fingernails and the stream of baby sick on his combat pants. He’ll be the one who knows exactly how you feel. Go and have a chat with him.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Big Baby

This baby is big than other

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